Sponsorship Information
Supporting the Techno Titans
There are many ways for sponsors to support our team:
Financial sponsorships - Money goes toward robot construction, competition fees and outreach.
Mentorship - Allows students to interact with professionals and learn from them throughout the season. Provides engineering and design expertise to the team.
In-kind donations - Include services such as machining or parts donation. Donations are key to manufacturing the robot.
Any combination of the above categories.
Any type of support and/or amount of sponsorship is much appreciated.
Sponsorship Benefits
Sponsorships are not one-way affairs; the Techno Titans return the favor. Benefits of sponsoring the team include:
Increased brand recognition. The team proudly recognizes its sponsors on the robot, team signage, and team apparel. (See Levels of Sponsorship on page 8 of the sponsorship packet for more details).
It is an investment in the future, as our team trains potential employees.
It is tax deductible.​​
Sponsorship Levels
As a non-profit organization, we value help in any way, shape, or form from our sponsors. Support can be shown with money or in-kind; in-kind being goods, services, or mentorship. In fact, if a mentor is provided, you are already a gold level sponsor.
​Platinum - For donations over $3000: all benefits of Diamond plus company logo displayed on robot and company announced at competitions.
Diamond - For donations of $1500 to $2999: all benefits of Gold plus company logo on t-shirt.
Gold - For donations of $1000 to $1499: all benefits of Silver plus company logo displayed in pits during competitions.
Silver - For donations of $500 and $999: all benefits of Bronze plus company logo on handbook and brochure.
​Bronze - For donations under $499: company logo on website.
Contact Information
As the Techno Titans, we strongly believe that communication is key to building and improving our sponsor-team relationship. For any questions or concerns regarding our sponsorship details, please feel free to contact us.
Email: northviewrobotics@technotitans.org
Northview Techno Titans Robotics Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 1658
Duluth GA 30096