STEM Nights
The Techno Titans STEM Nights are held each month. Student mentors teach attendees hands-on science concepts while building fun creations they get to keep and take home.
FEBRUARY 25, 2023
STEM Night this month was a hands-on catapult building activity. We've had a great response to our STEM nights and realized a lot of students didn't have the opportunity to join in this great activity. Once again we talked about potential and kinetic energy to 40 students and how catapults function. All students were able to construct their own catapult and then test their creation in various competitions.
JANUARY 20, 2023
STEM Night looked at earthquakes, plate tectonics, and how structures react to these pressures. We hosted over 50 students at Northview High School in grades K-6. The Techno Titans student mentors discussed what causes earthquakes, where and how frequently do they occur, how to measure the magnitude of an earthquake, and safety measures if you are ever in an earthquake.
The students were quizzed on what they learned and then the building activity commenced. Groups of students were given toothpicks and marshmallows of various sizes. They collaborated on building a structure they think would survive an earthquake -- which was simulated with two hard cover books with marbles in-between. After various building changes, there was a contest for tallest, strongest, and most creative structures.

What's an Earthquake?

Talking about earthquakes

Snacks end the night

What's an Earthquake?
NOVEMBER 19, 2022
STEM Night this month focused on gravity, air resistance, and physics. Our workshop this month hosted 32 students in grades 2-6 (and a group of about 10 parents). We looked at the science of parachute flight. What falls faster? A plastic bag or a rock? It depends on the object’s property. Objects hitting air molecules with a larger surface area fall slower -- so the rock will fall faster! That was the basic science for our project.
Students were given a kit with a wiffle ball, four strings, and a sheet of square plastic. By tying the strings to each corner, and then attaching the string to the wiffle ball -- they created a parachute. We went outside and watched a demonstration about parachutes. Then the students were given time to throw their parachutes into the air and watch them float down. We had a small competition to see who could get their parachute the highest, go the farthest, stay floating the longest, and land closest to a specific location.
The workshop ended with a short, fun quiz about what they learned. Everyone got some snacks and continued to play with their parachutes. It was a LOT of fun!

OCTOBER 8, 2022
We hosted our first STEM Night where we introduced 22 kids from grades 2 - 5 to the concepts of potential and kinetic energy through our hands-on catapult building activity. After instruction, kids created their own catapults using popsicle sticks, spoons, and rubber bands. They then tested out their catapults by aiming them into plastic cup targets and having some friendly competition.