The FRC season kicked off with much excitement. We watched the FIRST kickoff broadcast where the game theme, rules, and challenges were revealed. The strategy team met to discuss the game, requirements for the robot, and potential strategies for the season. At the first full team meeting of the year we brainstormed ideas for designing the robot. We came up with lots of ideas to help the design team create the new robot.
After figuring out the general vision and functions for the robot, the subteams began their work. The design team is creating a general robot concept using KrayonCAD in OnShape. That concept will then spark individual mechanism creation. Fabrication spent the week building the necessary field elements we will need for robot testing. Electrical and programming joined fabrication in building prototypes for various mechanisms.
Business subteam is working on new team merch, social media posts, and promoting team spirit. Overall, this season is looking to be productive, full of opportunities for everyone to contribute, and lots of fun.
49 days until competition!