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Week 3 already?

Week 3 of the FRC season has been going smoothly for the Techno Titans.

The Design team has made considerable progress on the robot, only steps away from the finished product. Students are combining and integrating all of the mechanisms into one final design.

The Programming team this week has been gearing up for the robot once it is ready and turned over for testing. The newest members of programming have been catching up on the robot code.

The Fabrication team has worked hard, completing the chassis. They have continued to experiment, helping the team any way they can by prototyping mechanisms - with the current focus on the intake system.

The Electrical team has accomplished a major step in their part of building the robot, as a prototype for the robot’s electrical system has been mentor approved.

The Business team has continued working on the Chairman’s Essay and questions. Designs for team merchandise have been selected, and final pieces to be debuted soon. The digital animation video was completed and submitted just in time for the January 27 deadline.

Keep up the excellent work, Techno Titans!

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